On the Issues

As a local small business owner, dedicated family man, and lifelong conservative, Tim Bonner shares our values and fights for our Republican principles

    • Led the state lawsuit the declared ACT 77 to be unconstitutional
    • Led the federal lawsuit that declared Governor Wolf’s actions to be unconstitutional
    • Demanded Governor Wolf provide more openness and transparency to his heavy-handed edicts
    • Secured funding and resources for our first responders and frontline workers
    • Pushed to safely reopen Pennsylvania’s schools and economy
    • Co-sponsored legislation to stop state elected officials’ pay raises
    • Co-sponsored legislation to allow voters to reduce the size and cost of the largest, most expensive state legislature in the nation
    • Passed a fiscally responsible balanced budget that did not increase taxes on our hardworking families and seniors on fixed incomes
    • Enacted pro-growth policies that have enabled the private sector to protect and create family-sustaining jobs
    • Refuses pay raises and state pension and drives his own car
    • Fights against career politicians
    • Voting to protect the sanctity of human life and our 2nd Amendment rights